
Virtual capital of 0asis

Alamut is the cloud assembly point for OASIS. It could initially be something as modest as a Discord channel, but will eventually be a decentralised knowledge graph of the open internet. Access to the virtual capital is gated by Ordinals.

In the age of Bitcoin, the Alamut emerges as a liminal imaginal space. It stands as the virtual capital of OASIS, a network of castles in the vast expanse of cyberspace, where the boundaries of the physical and virtual worlds blur. In this realm, OASIS, a network state thrives, geographically decentralised yet ideologically aligned, a society whose heartbeat is the rhythmic tapping of keys and the silent hum of inscriptions. Here, in the discord corridors and encrypted chat rooms of Alamut, plans are made, ideas are exchanged, and flows of the postmodern OS are sabotaged.

The Jacks of OASIS assemble in Alamut, their assembly point far from the constraints of physical geography. But Alamut is more than just a cyber-utopia. It embodies the archetype of a tong, a secret society for the marginalised, the rebels, the non-conformists. It's a mutual-aid society for those with interests that lie on the fringes, often skirting the edges of legality or societal acceptance. In this secret society, Jacks find outrageous love for the other, with the potential capacity of collective sabotage of the postmodern OS.

Gathered in the hallowed halls of Alamut, the Jacks plot the course of empires and weave the destiny of nation states. Their alliance transcends borders. Their cause is not of nationality, but of geoautonomy. From the shadows, they influence the physical world, moving in synchrony while remaining invisible to the gaze of the surveillance state. Like the tongs of old, Alamut serves as a nexus for mutual aid, protecting its members from the occult assault of mainstream psychic skirmishes.

The Jacks drawn from diverse backgrounds, find unity in their capacity for collective sabotage. In Alamut, the Jacks forge a new kind of society, every keystroke is a rebellion, every ambush a manifesto, every encrypted conversation a step towards a an ancient future.

As the virtual and physical worlds continue to intertwine, Alamut stands as a testament that even in the age of omnipresent surveillance and control, spaces of freedom and creativity can flourish, hidden in plain sight, within cyberspace. 0ASIS is a call to arms to wield Bitcoin as a weapon, for those who dare to dream of a world beyond the confines of consensus reality. It's a rallying cry for the creators, the thinkers, the dreamers, and the rebels. In the realm of Alamut, the many become one, enchanted in their quest for seizing the red apple. add qiyamat and merge

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