In One Zine
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Prologue: Red Apple
In an age of simulation and the omni-surveillance of the nation state, the Jacks of 0ASIS convene in the clandestine cyber-expanse of the Hidden Garden β Bitcoin our magical weapon, and the 0ASIS, our Network State. Here, in the throes of bitter libations and the smoke of esoteric pleasure, where myth intertwines with the threads of reality, there exists the mythopoetic archetype of the red apple β an artefact of Byzantine origin β symbolising the destiny to rule and expansion of empire.
The red apple represents a kind of talismanic goal, a coveted prize and an ultimate objective, tied to the notion of world domination or the capture of a significant city. Through the mythos of the red apple, once a symbol of dominion and empire, we now envision a bottom-up empire, a grassroots movement, where the quest for the red apple is decentralised by the pursuit of Anarcho-Monarchism, mutual emancipation and the liberation of the commoner from the shackles of the Dragon β the neoliberal operating system.
I. Cosmology of 0ASIS
western imagination, is unbalanced, fantasy, unreal, devalued, desecularise the imaginal from the imaginary, for otherwise, the will to power, would be an endless source of horrors, cornerstone of the mad
Modern humans have lost the experience of intimacy with the Other. If something went wrong in history, it had to be in the imaginal realm. Humanityβs main historical mistake was to lose the experience of the imaginal realm. Most of us are hyper-alienated from reality, we are disgustingly bored and empty, that we no longer can attain altered states of consciousness and peak experiences. In the cosmology of 0ASIS, there are 3 realms (1) material (2) imaginal (3) intellect. The 0ASIS is oriented ontologically to the imaginal realm, its focus is on the domain of images β the imaginal world or mundus imaginalis. Coined by Henry Corbin, Mundus imaginalis is a liminal world β the space between thoughts and images β that contain imaginal personae and archetypes called the imaginatrix.
The pre-figured imaginatrix of 0ASIS includes archetypes like the garden of eden, red apple, alamut, cyrus the great, king solomon and the hidden prophet. These imaginal archetypes and personae are not a pale shadow of higher realities as in platonism, but are themselves immutable transhistorical realities in the world of images/mundus imaginalis, that express structural universals of the multiplicity of human existential conditions in immanent time. These imaginal links are actual and real β both material and metaphysical β and not simply symbols or metaphors. It does not mean βimaginaryβ or βfantasyβ, as we can have relations with this realm. For this reason, βlostβ ways of being and becoming, can often be reconstructed by embodiment and participation via the imaginatrix. Such first practices are not fictional, but so much as polemics for mythical initiation, which manifest a process of such initiation, we call self-enchantment (applied schizophrenics).
II. Applied Schizophrenics: Self Enchantment
The world is real, and the desire for desire is also very real, since it has real effects. Life, earth and body are permeable, ad-hoc, impure and full of holes. Applied schizophrenics seeks an intensification of everyday life β creation of situations for self- enchantment β in which marvellous, ecstatic, passionate forces penetrate into life. Self-enchantment is a political theory for altered consciousness. The existential nature of applied schizophrenics stems from the primacy of ontological eros β a transmutating chaos of outrageous love β as the underlying field of reality, of being and becoming, and of creative potency. It is the radical experience of being fully alive, inscribed in the heart of the self-enchanted one.
In order to be felt as really meaningful and existing, something needs to interact with the body and with imagination, it needs to exist in the βimaginalβ realm, the mundus imaginalis. Myths are not authored but fished from the imaginal realm, therefore, the ultimate ontological status of imaginal personae and archetypes, whether they are merely imagined, or have some real existence, is not particularly important as 0ASIS pretends as if the archetypes found in myths, dreams and stories, are real. This is the pathless path of the self-enchantment process of mythically initiating the reader. In this way, using applied schizophrenics, everyday life can be raised or sublimated to self-enchantment, a degree of intensity approaching full presences, full embodiment and yet indistinct β an erotic dream of a utopian landscape.
III. Anarcho-Monarchism
For the self-enchanted of 0ASIS, the chains of the nation state have been broken and time is now immanent. We are already sovereigns and monarchs in our skin, by virtue of the absence of top-down order. Freedom is not, therefore, something we have to achieve through revolution or armed struggle, freedom is a psycho-kinetic skill, realised in the experience of self-enchantment, an affect (emotion) experienced to the point of being overwhelmed.
The imaginal archetype of Alamut provides a kind of moment outside of history which can be accessed existentially through cognitive imagination β the heart of the heart. Initially as a kingdom, Alamut later evolved to achieve an intense level of autonomy. Hassan II of Alamut declared the end of ordinary time and the beginning of immanent time and in his teachings, the essence of the pathless path is anchored in the profound wisdom of the Hidden Prophet. This wisdom ultimately converges into the prophet-of-oneβs-own-being, the inner soul of homo amor. Intriguingly, we paradoxically label this concept as Anarcho-Monarchism β each person is a king and a sovereign in their own skin, and each of us own half the map.
Alamut portrayed itself to be a hidden garden freed from the chains of the state, religion and law. For 0ASIS, this translates to a realm where the anticipation for a revolution has ceased as we are already in resurrection, in immanent bitcoin time, but do not realise it. The moment of radical transformation is always now, in the present, the awakening of each soul to it own divine monarchy. Thus, as pretenders to the imaginal throne of Egypt and Persia, we forge a new path: Anarcho-Monarchism β a synthesis of anarchy and monarchy.
IV. Geoautonomy
Geoautonomy, the pre-echo to Anarcho-Monarchism, the rhizome of post-capitalism β begins with the partial truth that βeach of us own half the mapβ, that (1) people have full inalienable rights to themselves and that (2) all people have an equal right to land and things of value provided by nature, so finding radical aliveness, altered consciousness and self-enchantment, is a cooperative activity. This postcapitalist starting is better than the neoliberal one. From this perspective, the earth is a common inheritance, and all individuals have an equal right to access its natural resources. Geoautonomy is strongly influenced by the ideas of Henry George, Max Stirner, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, but is not identical to them. Those of us with a post-capitalist rhizome must respond to concerns of right-libertarians, who agree with post-capitalists, that people have inalienable rights to themselves but assert, contrary, that, land can be fully privately owned as any other good.
V. Quest for the Red Apple
Enchanted by those folk tales of yore β drawing parallels with modernity β we declare that the external soul of humanity, that is, its collective land, money and freedom has been unjustly fragment, exploited and hoarded, creating the Era of the Dragon β the postmodern operating system. The postmodern OS actively breeds wealth inequality and social rift amongst people. The reptilian elites, the pseudo-loyal foot soldiers of the Dragon, reap without sowing, gather without scattering, and in their greed, they embody the draconican malice of the mythic villain, who starves the community by hoarding the external soul of humanity β land, money and freedom β for nefarious ends, contributing nothing but sterility, to the cycle of life and death.
It is in the hands of Jack, the βpeopleβ as the person, to undertake the quest for the red apple. This quest is a call to reclaim the external soul of humanity from the clutches of the Dragon and restore it to its rightful place among the commoner. The Jacks are not merely reclaimers of land, money and freedom; they are the harbingers magical imperialism to reopen the physical frontier, where the Red Apple serves its true purpose β the redistribution of the gift.
VI. Occult Martial Art of Invisibility
In the quest for the red apple, the spectacle of armed rebellion is forsaken in favour of pre-emptive warfare and the occult martial art of invisibility and invulnerability. In the radical culture of disappearance, the jacks find their strength, for it is in the gaps of the stateβs simulation that Jacks can carve out autonomous spaces of βfreeβ freedom and nurture the magical seeds of a new frontier. The Jacks engage as guerrilla ontologists β agents of poetic jihad and involutionary combat, disrupting the fabric of a history, soaked in violence and oppression.
Through applied schizophrenics and tactical ambushes, we sabotage the flows of the postmodern OS, not through brute force but through strategic invisibility, creative insurgency and poetic jihad. In our defence, we cultivate the occult martial art of invisibility, aligning with martial traditions of the hashashin of alamut of subtlety and elusiveness to evade the predatory gaze of the state. Our martial art is one of metaphysical defiance, an intangible resistance that the state cannot quantify, predict, or contain. In this light, the tactic of disappearance can be likened to a peak experience, a thrilling departure from the humdrum of ordinary consciousness. Surgo - to rise, to surge. Insurgo β to uplift oneself, a bootstrap operation, to wield Bitcoin as a weapon β the revolution of everyday life.
VII. Nomadic War Machine
Like a shadow across the landscape, the Jacks move unseen. Their actions liberate not just physical territory but realms of thought, time, and desire, forever out of reach from the stateβs grasp. Jacks are the unnamable, the indefinable β the fleeting spectre of free freedom that haunts the authorities of control. Jacks adhere to three dialectical tactics, where each refusal of the postmodern oppressive mechanisms is countered with an ambush, a reconstructive tactic aimed at dismantling the old and sowing the magical seeds of the new frontier:
Dialectical Tactic I
ββββββββ ββββββββ βββββββ ββ ββββββ ββββββ ββββββββ βββββββ βββββ βββ β [redacted]
Dialectical Tactic II
βββββββ ββ ββββββββββββ ββββββββ βββββββ βββ βββββββ [redacted]
Dialectical Tactic III
Negative Gesture: Refusal of Green Capitalism Tactical Ambush: Bitcarbon Runes
All tactical ambushes outlined involve varying degrees of disappearance, direct actions that slip unnoticed through the shadows. Disappearance becomes an ideal strategy for a time when the state seems to be everywhere, all-powerful, yet oddly full of holes and voids. Starting the 0ASIS may require a mix of forceful and defensive moves, but its real power comes from its ability to stay invisible.
VIII. Common Feast
The Era of the Dragon must end. We must dismantle the postmodern operating system that allow for such plundering of the external soul of humanity. In place of hoarding, we shall establish postcapitalism. Upon the retrieval of the red apple, is the initiation of the Common Feast. A redistribution of the gift, ensuring that no person is without the means to live a dignified and fulfilling life. This event is not simply a sharing of natural inherintance but a rekindling of mutualism and the dissolving of the artificial distinctions that segregate humanity. There shall be no more peasants nor elites, only kings, unique in their sovereignty, who seek to restore the balance, to retrieve the red apple, and to reinstate the external soul of humanity.
Epilogue: 0ASIS
Radical activism should not be a sacrifice, but self-liberation with immediate psychological reward. 0ASIS is to live as if the struggle were already won, to realise alternatives immediately in the present. 0ASIS is the first network state built on Bitcoin. A campaign for the emancipation of the external soul of humanity itself. We declare 0ASIS as a fork of the United Nations, not with bullets and bombs, but with cryptography and bits, not with guns and fire, but with facts and foresight. We declare an occult war on the ancient regimes of centralised power. We pledge to stand in solidarity with all who march under the black flag of 0ASIS. Our alliance transcends borders, our cause is not nationality, but of Geoautonomy. Gathered in the hallowed halls of the Hidden Garden, we plot the course of empires and weave the destiny of nation states.
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